Friday, September 18, 2009

Mr. S

Shortly after getting married, we went to visit my relatives in Odessa, Texas.
Everyone “glowed” over my new husband.
“So handsome and nice!” they would say.
They would ask “sabe Español?”
Which he responded, “poquito”
But the new test to see if he was to be accepted into the Olivas Baeza Torres family was approaching.
My uncles all got together, climbed up into the pickup truck, blasted music from Los Rieleros and drove off..into the sunset?
No! to find a chivo (a goat)
Yeap, the Mexican tradition: gather all the men, visit a local farm and pick out a nice goat, go home, butch it and use every part of it for some dish.

I have a favorite portion of the chivo, which is considered a delicacy, but I won’t divulge
that information for now! The meat or chivito con chile, I really don’t care for.

So after it was prepared, they all sat down and gathered at the table and waited….
He took a bite and said…”oh, we eat this in my country!”
Everyone sigh a relief and laughter broke out….
He is one of our own!

I left him to bond with my male relatives and went to visit my aunts.
“So how is your Señor?”
“Who? I almost choked on my torta de lengua
“You know, your husband?”
“He has a name, you know” I said
“NO, He is your Señor!” they all protested
I tried to explain, that is an antiquated connation, that we are both “modern” and that is unnecessary and…..
They insisted.
I continued to protest.
Finally, I gave up.
Mr. S is my husband.
S for Señor, Serious and Sexy!

Mr. S and I have been married for almost four years. We have two boys, Roman and Dominik.
Every time I call my Abuelita Albina, she asks:
“How is your Señor, when he is coming to visit? So he can have some chivo!”


  1. So how is your Senor? LOL? Loved your story.Can't wait for the many more stories that are to come!

  2. Muy buen comienzo Cris. No puedo esperar que diga cual fue la "delicacy" I guess-la cabeza?Am I wrong? Keep going I can't wait.
    Y saludos a su senor. Besos a los hijos,
    Su tia Manuela

  3. i love the spanglish :) senor jaja!! ay las costumbres de nuestra familia. mis tias tambien le preguntan asi a Mony.

