Friday, September 18, 2009

Pasta is Spaghetti

“It is all your fault” I yelled at Elisa
“I am off to work….wake up its late”
“What?” I mumbled
I opened my eyes and saw Mr. S standing over our bed.

“Oh ok” I said. I realized I was dreaming that I was fighting with my sister, Elisa.
She moved to Croatia about a month ago and I miss her terribly.

Mr. S had woken me up.
As he walked out, I drifted off to sleep again.

I was so tired. “Why did I stay up so late?”
The same question I ask myself every morning.
Mr. S was watching the Lakers vs Orlando basketball game and I was on the computer.
I woke up again, as I felt something rub my arm.
I open my eyes, and there was Roman rubbing my arm.
So finally I got up and was brushing my teeth and was looking at myself.
“Argh I have to use more eye cream,” as I examined my wrinkles
I opened the bathroom door and there was Dominik.
“Where is Oh-man?”
“Roman is in mommy’s bed”
“Come brush your teeth”
“Ok!” he said, as he carried his stool close to the sink
“Did you have a good rest?”
“Um hum”
“No, mamma, I want to do it” as he saw me put toothpaste on his Clifford toothbrush”
“OK, Dominik you do it”
“Mama, I want hot water!”
I turn on warm water and put this toothbrush under the running water and gave it to him.
“Mamma, that is not hot!”
So I turn it on very very warm and gave it to him.
“Uum, that is hot on my teeth” he smiled
So we finished off and I went into my room scooped off Roman and carried him to the bathroom. I sat in the sink and help him brush teeth and wash his face

“Mamma, I am tired”…Roman mumbled.
“I know sweetie, but you have to go to school”

We went downstairs, carrying Roman and put in the car
Dominik is the closet looking for his shoes, not any shoes, his black dressy loafer shoes

“I like them, mama”, he says as he puts them on
“Mama, what shoes are you bringing for me.?” Roman is calling out

I grab the camera, Dominik’s tennis shoes, and pour some coffee. Mental note: thank Mr. S for making coffee
And we are out of the house!
We see the landscape guy on the lawn
“Mama, what is he doing?” Roman asks
He is cutting the grass…Pasto in Spanish
(The following is our conversation between Roman, Dominik and me)
Roman: Mamma, Pasta is spaghetti
Mommy: Get in the car, Dominik
Dominik: I want to see the guy
So I scoop him up and buckle both boys and drive off.

Roman: Mamma, he forgot to cut the big leaves
Mommy: What leaves?
Roman: The big leaves from the tree, he is suppose to cut them
Mommy: Who says he is supposed to cut them?
Roman: You did!

We pulled to a stop light
Dominik: Mommy, go!
Mommy: The light is red, we can’t go
Roman: The light is red, Dominik

So we on the highway 30 driving by all the factories

Dominik: It’s raining, mamma
Mommy: It’s steam
Dominik: Stinky!
Roman: trucks are going to work
Mommy: yes

As we head off towards a building with a small plan sculpture
Roman: plane!
Dominik: plane!

Everyday we drive by this place and every day they get excited to see the plane.

Roman: Mamma, what is happening?
We are driving by a construction site
Mommy: They are working on the road
Roman: Oh…we are coming to racing cars

We points as we are heading towards the speed way
Dominik: I like races in movies
Roman: Mommy, would you like to ride a motorcycle, bike or moped?
Mommy: I would like to ride a bicycle
Roman: I want to ride a motorcycle
Dominik: I want to ride a motorcycle
Mommy: Do you want to ride a motorcycle with Roman?
Roman: No! Because we would need another motorcycle…because because you have to sit in the back and we would go riding…and he mumbles excited

We are at the daycare.

I open Roman’s door.
Roman: Is it cold out there?
Mommy: No
Roman steps out…
Roman: Oh, it is cold
Mommy: Ok get your sweater
Roman: No, I am just kiddin!
I open the Dominik’s door
Domminik: Oh,,it is cold, I want my sweater..
Mommy: ok here take this one
Dominik: No I want this one as he grabs his “favorite” sweater
So I grab the keys, camera, and Dominik tennis shoes
And hold Dominik’s hand…
Roman: I want to hold your hand
Mommy: Ok
Roman: but you cant because you have stuff in your hands
Mommy: hold Dominik’s hand
oman: he cant because he has his sweater

I open the door and he head to the office….because we have to sign in because we are late again

Roman: I want to go to the bathroom!!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you too Sis!I love hearing about your conversations with the boys!They are adorable! I miss them too and by reading this makes me feel I am in touch with their every day routine. I wonder why you were screaming at me in your dream hmmm??LOL
